Turval 6 horse daily intestinal bioregulator with selected lactic yeast. The first natural active probiotic that penetrates the gastric barrier. It is an effective aid in preventing colics and also increases good performances. It really works! US-FDA approved.
MoreTurval lactic yeast probiotic prevents ruminal pathologies such as alkalosis-acidosis, foamy meteorism, block of the abomasum and maintain a correct Ph value during the phases of rumination and pasturing. Ohio State University and US-FDA Approved.
MoreTurval Swine has an undoubtable probiotic effect with evident auxinic effects, producing positive rults in econimic terms. EC and US-FDA approved.
MoreTurval BO399 improves the digestive utilization capacity of the animals and reduces the "lethal prolapse" phenomenon.
MoreThe results of trials demonstrate that Turval B0399 is able to exercise its probiotica action with evident auxinico effects.