The importance of natural active yeasts
"TURVAL 3 CAMEL Daily" complimentary fodder is capable of maintaining the yeast's probiotic properties unaltered and guaranteeing its preservability. This special study guarantees the easy use of thisTrial 10: Use of lactic yeast in camels during weaning
The results of this experiment suggest that the use of lactic yeast (Turval B0399: Kluyveromyces B0399) can promote faster growth and better health among weaning calves.Research by E. Beretta, J. ImunTrial 63: Effect of probiotic Turval5 camelids
Effect of probiotic Turval5 camelids ( with Kluyveromyces BO399) on LLAMAS and ALPACAS diet .(1° quarter short report)David E. Anderson, DVM,MS Ohio State University I have been studying Turval 5 cam