Trial 42: Clinical examinations performed on horses suffering from digestive problems of various aetiologies.The above indicates that the product can be both therapeutic and preventive, when administered daily in 2-3 month cycles every 20 - 30 days, and prevents forms of meteoric cholic caused by intestinal microbial imbalances.
Director Dott. Mauro Pasqualino
Veterinary Surgey and Equine Medical Centre
Following clinical examinations performed on horses suffering from digestive problems of various aetiologies:
change in feeding and stabling regime, series of worming treatments causing intestinal microbial imbalances or extended treatments with antibiotics and veterino-chemical therapy, forms of meteorism, alternating with constipation with liquid faeces due to psychoneurogenic somatisation, etc. etc., and following observations of horses, both foals and pregnant mares, without any symptoms, it is possibile to state that 30 - 40 days of treatment of the former animals with the complementary compound feed for horses known as TURVAL 6 led to a general improvement in the pathological conditions such as tha tthe faeces returned to their normal shape, colour and consistency, were no longer nauseating and did not contain undigested seeds inside.
The second group of animals demonstrated glossy coats and better appetites, symptoms associated with a preventive treatment.
The above indicates that the product can be both therapeutic and preventive, when administered daily in 2-3 month cycles every 20 - 30 days, and prevents forms of meteoric cholic caused by intestinal microbial imbalances.
In mares its use is practical and valid, because it strengthens the nutrient assimilation capacity of the intestinal mucosa, which is limited by the intestinal venous stasis caused by the compression from the pregnant uterus on the intestine leading to hypochinosis of the digestive tract.
"Giordano Bruno" - Napoli
Veterinary Surgeon, Equine Infectologist
Special Assistant at the "S.Michele" Clinic at Larina Scalo
Member: S.I.D.I. (W.E.V.A.) - S.I.C.V. - S.I.V.E. - U.O.F.A.A