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Trial 65: Experimental evaluation of improvement in quality and quantity of milk production resulting from administration of two different probiotics: Saccharomyces cerevisiae vs Kluyveromyces B0399.

Cesare Lui D.V.M. (Mantova), Dr. Paolo Valles (Trieste)


The purpose of the test was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of two probiotics specifically for ruminants, Yea-Sacc and Turval B0399 containing respectively - Saccaromyces Cerevisae e Kluyveromyces Fragilis B0399, administered both singularly as well as combined together.
The trials confirmed the validity of both probiotics .
The best results were given combining the two together. .
It is retained that a synergic effect took place after which the following were further improved: the feed intake(+10.7), the production of milk (+7.4) and the quality of the milk.(somatic cells – 48%). The mixing of the two also showed a speedier response .



1.1. Species, breed and sex of the animals and their identification

·        Species: Dairy cows
·        Breed: Friesian
·        Average N° of births: 2,5
·        Average weight: 660 kg
·        Average dry period (pregnant cow) : 55 days
·        Average duration of lactation: 140 days
·        Method of identification:
All the subjects were tattooed on the ear with a number, indicating their stock farm.
1.2. Number of groups tested and identification
Test groups
·        N°.of groups: 4
·        N°. of groups treated: 3
·        N°.of subjects treated per group: 15
·        N°.of subjects in group of reference: 45 (all treated subjects examined before treatment)
·        Total N° of.subjects : 45
·        Identification:
-          R. reference group
-          S: treated group with Saccaromyces
-          K: treated group with Kluyveromyces B0399
-          SK: treated group with mix of Saccaromyces and Kluyveromyces B0399.
Method of formation of groups:
The breeding took place in a single cowshed ,where 45 cows in good health conditions and which produced milk were selected, with the average characteristics being those listed under heading 1.1.
They were divided into three separate groups in order to proceed with the diets through differentiated unifeed .
The control group was comprised of 45 subjects which were examined before treatment.

Statistical analysis of the data

The number of subjects chosen was considered statistically sufficient.
In the first comparison between control and treated groups, the effect of the additive regardless of the dosage, is evaluated; while in the second, the effect of overdose is evaluated.
1.3 Materials
All animals were fed daily with UNIFEED
Quality composition: determined directly by the veterinarian, and including corn, soy, mangel-wurzel pulp, barley, gluten, waxy corn, alfalfa hay, hay from permanent meadows, diet supplements and salt.
-          Probiotic Yea-Sacc (Saccharomyces cerevisae: UFC/g >100 x 106)
-          Probiotic Turval B0399 (Kluyveromyces fragilis B0399: UFC/g >5 x 106) :
 Turval B0399 was chosen because of its ability to carry out its probiotic action in the intestine.
Dosage of the probiotic in the daily ration:.
In the average daily ration of each animal, the following recommended quantity of probiotic was added:


Treated group S:

-10 g/day/head of Yea-Sacc (Saccharomyces c.)
Treated group K:
-10 g/day/head of Turval B0399 (Kluyveromyces B0399)
Treated group KS:
-5 g/day/head of Yea-Sacc (Saccharomyces c.) and
-8 g/day/head ofTurvalB0399 (Kluyveromyces B0399)



1.4 State of the places utilized and operative conditions.

The test was carried out in a farm in the province of Cremona, Italy.
All the subjects were raised in the same shed and under the same typical breeding conditions.
Together with the cows, female calves destined for remounting and male calves destined to be fattened up to 600-650 kg were also raised.
The space given to each cow was 12 square meters per head besides the outside paddock.
The feeding troughs were proportional to the number of cowsl
The cows were on beds with sand underneath and hay on top which were changed every 4-5 days.
The outside paddock was in beaten soil.
The outside temperature during the trial period was variable from 10 to 18°C.
Milking shed: 4 + 4 with automatic disconnections
1.5.Date, duration and nature of the testing
·      Trial period: March and April 2001
·      Beginning of test: March 2, 2001
·      Total duration: 55 days
1.6. Results and general discussion
Chart 1.6 Results regarding the groups tested

Feed intake
Kg of dry matter/head/day
Milk production
Somatic cells
Total number
Response time


Fig.1 Feed intake response
figura 1 prova 65.gif
Fig. 2 Milk production Response


figura 2 prova 65 cattle.gif

Fig.3 Somatic cells reduction
 figura 3 prova 65 cattle.gif

Remarks on the results of the test

As the table below shows, the following facts can be ascertained:
_      A Three groups of 15 cows were given Yea-Sacc respectively for 55 days at 10g/day/head, TurvalB0399 at 10 g/day/head, a mix of Yea-Sacc( 5g/day/head) and Turval B0399 (8 g/day/Head) . Compared to the control group, they had an increase feed intake respectively of 5% 7,6% and 10,7%. This result is particularly important because it is correlated with an expansion of the rumen.
_      The increase in the production of milk was respectively of 4%, 6% and 7.4%.
_      There was an improvement in the quality of the milk, demonstrated particularly by a decrease in somatic cells, approximately13% in the Yea-sacc group and up to 48% in the mix TurvalB0399 with Yea-Sacc. This implies a decrease in udder engorgement, consequently a lower rate of mastitis.


The purpose of the test was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of two probiotics containing different types of yeasts - Saccharomyces Cerevisiae e Kluyveromyces Fragilis B0399, specifically for ruminants, administered both singularly as well as combined together.
The trials confirmed the validity of both probiotics .
The best results were given combining the two together. .
It is retained that a synergic effect took place after which the following were further improved: the feed intake(+10.7), the production of milk (+7.4) and the quality of the milk (somatic cells – 48%). The mixing of the two also showed a speedier response .


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