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Fvg products for Italian military

The ministry of defense examined the results of the research conducted and the characteristics of our probiotic made from a particular lactic yeast (KLUYVER B0399), and retained it to be much more effective than the more common lactic ferments.


UDINE. A probiotic from Friuli for the Italian military. Recently in Senigallia the tenth national meeting of the Military Corps Medical Officers and the eighth symposium of the Italian Red Cross sanitary personnel were organized; in the section concerning intestinal prevention, Dr. Teresa De Monte introduced the innovative probiotic of Turval Laboratories of Udine, approved also by the Ministry of Defense, for the military diet for those who go on missions abroad. The new probiotic (live microbial dietary supplements that benefit health, improving the intestinal microbial equilibrium; they in short work opposite antibiotics) will be used by the Italian Red Cross and my the military, especially for the soldiers going abroad and where they are subjected to not only stress from a time-consuming and burdensome job, but also to sanitary and climactic conditions different from those they are exposed to at home.

“Five years ago,” explains engineer Alessandro Turello, owner of Turval Laboratories, “the Ministry of Defense analyzed the research results and the functional characteristics of our probiotic based on a particular lactic yeast, considering it much more effective than the usual lactic ferments and also considering it more useful in the application in the troops’ diet, mainly to reduce the impact of common diarrheal phenomena.”: In any case intestinal problems disable a large part of the soldiers who are on missions abroad. “for example,” adds Turello, “for those deployed in Afghanistan, the military Losgistics Inspectorate quantified the high number of ill soldiers because of intestinal problems and diarrheal phenomena. According to the inspector, if the impact of these diseases will fall by only 10%, it would already be an extremely positive result under the terms of the medical diet prevention of the military.” In this sense, the characteristics of this probiotic of Friuli were officially presented last June on the 26th at a convention held in the barracks of Venzone, oriented towards the troops leaving for Afghanistan.

2025. © All rights reserved. Laboratori Turval Italia srl (TURVAL Laboratories Ltd.) - Head Office and Research Dpt: Friuli innovazione (AREA international Science Park-TS), Via Linussio 51-33100 Udine (IT) – P. IVA 01883020305



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